PLAYER OR ATHLETE’S REGISTRATION FORM Which sport would you participate in? *Which sport would you participate in?FOOTBALLCategory *CategoryU-13U-15U-17U-19Select the group according to your age.Is there any previous prize or medal in this game in school /college/others? *SelectYESNOFull Name of the Player or Athlete *Father’s / Guardian Name *Date of Birth *Gender *GenderMALEFEMALEFull Address of the Player or Athlete’s *Mobile *Photo of the Player or Athlete *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileSchool / College / University Name *Currently Studying in *Currently Studying inCLASS VICLASS VIICLASS VIIICLASS IXCLASS XCLASS XICLASS XIIIN COLLEGE / UNIVERSITYOTHERSLast Qualification *Last QualificationCLASS VICLASS VIICLASS VIIICLASS IXCLASS XCLASS XICLASS XIIIN COLLEGE / UNIVERSITYOTHERSBlood Group *Blood GroupO+O-A+A-B+B-AB+AB-I DON'T KNOWID Proof (i.e., Birth Certificate / Aadhaar /Admit Card) *ID Proof (i.e., Birth Certificate / Aadhaar /Admit Card)BIRTH CERTIFICATEAADHAAR CARDADMIT CARDSCHOOL CERTIFICATEID Proof No. *Upload ID Proof (PDF) *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileCalculations1156325Submit